Sunday 29 March 2015

smooth scrubbing in maya

Here's a demo of a tool to see your animation in a silky smooth way. It's an expansion of the normal time dragger tool, which scrubs your animation but snapped to frames. This one will disable the snapping when active, meaning you can see the animation in between integer frames.

The tool is in python so stick it in a maya python folder. For the maya hotkeys you will need to set 2 commands, one for when your key is pressed, and one for when you release the key. This has to be the same combination of keys for the pressed and release, just like the default maya version. If not then you wont get your previous tool set back automagically and the timeline snapping will stay off.

on press
 import timeDragger as td  
on release
 import timeDragger as td  

get the python file here;
Download timeDrag script
Script updated to be less dumb! thanks, 


  1. I assigned ALT+V for OnPress and ALT+R for OnRelease, when I trigger either one, nothing happens, although when using the K short-cut Maya 2015 appears to do what your script does, the script wouldn't happen to override the default functionality of Maya ?

  2. Hiya, I've updated the post to be a bit more specific. You need to use the same combination of keys for the press and release, so everything goes back to the previous state. Hope this helps :)
